Start the program using parameters
All preferences are saved in the CADS.INI file. If you want to start the program with different preferences, you can use parameters. Parameters also affect other start up properties.
Enter the following on the command line (all parameters are optional):
CADS [options] [drawing file] [printing device]
The options are non-case sensitive, and preceded with / or -. Select one of the following:
Option |
Function |
ini | Defines a preferences file to be used (.ini) |
m | Does not check whether the program is already running and starts a new instance |
p | Print the drawing defined in the parameters using the default printer |
pl | Print the drawing defined in the parameters using the printer defined in the parameters |
k | Executes the command given as a parameter |
Note: If the path contains spaces, enter double-quotes on both sides of the path and insert the options after the path: "C:\Program Files\CADMATIC\Draw [version number] English\Cads.exe" -m
Use parameter m when you have already started the program and want to start a new instance of the program.
Parameters p and pl are mainly meant for Windows Drag & Drop printing. Drag and drop a drawing file icon over a printer icon, and Windows automatically prints the drawing using these parameters.
If a drawing file name or a printing device name has spaces in it, enter double-quotes on both sides of the name. For the printing device, use the name of the Windows printer, not the program printer. The program uses the first printer defined in CADMATIC.
You can use all the parameters as described above to open applications, start programs, and print drawings from a different program.
Insert a drawing named proto1.drw upon start-up:
CADS -k "insert proto1"
Load preferences from a file named standard.ini upon start-up:
CADS -ini standard