Dimension settings


Define the settings that affect dimensions.

Note: This function is mainly intended for use in menu command scripts. Users are recommended to draw dimensions using the drop-down menus and toolbars.


  • Linear – Distance between two points.
  • Continuous – Series of continuous dimensions. The endpoint of the previous dimension is the startpoint of the next one.
  • B-point – Series of continuous dimensions all referenced to the same basepoint.
  • Baseline – Series of dimensions at different levels all referenced to the same basepoint.
  • Angular – Angle between two lines.
  • Radial – Circle or arc radius.
  • Diameter – Circle diameter.


Force the dimension to an angle. The program will calculate the distance between the point in that angle.


  • Vertical – Set dimension angle to 90° and dimension to an angle on.
  • Horizontal – Set dimension angle to 0° and dimension to an angle on.

  • Rotated – Set dimension angle and dimension to an angle on. Angle must between -360…360°.
  • Aligned – Set dimension to an angle off. Dimension will then align directly from point to point.


Set dimension form.

  • Decimals – Number of decimals in the dimension text. 0=none. Enter the number of decimals.
  • Round – Set dimension value rounding. Enter round value. The round value must be greater than 0.

    • 0 no rounding.

    • 0.1 round to one decimal (14.467 => 14.5).

    • 1 round to the closest integer.

    • 10 round to the closest 10.

  • Scale factor – Set a scale, with which the dimension value will be multiplied. Enter dimension scale.
  • Unit – Define a string to be displayed after the dimension value (for example mm). Enter unit string. Unit string will be displayed immediately after the dimension value. If you want a space between the value and the unit, you must add it into the unit string.
  • Diam.symbol – Diameter symbol is displayed before the dimension value. Set diameter symbol on or off.
  • Arrowhead – Select the desired arrowhead (or none). Select arrowhead (Dot/ Arrow/ Line/ None).
  • Textsize – Set dimension text size. DIMSCALE system variable will affect the dimension text size just like other text objects. If DIMSCALE is set to 10 (1:10) and textsize to 5, the actual size will be 50. Enter dimension textsize.
  • Tolerances – Set dimension tolerances.
    • ON Set tolerances on.

    • OFF Set tolerances off.

    • Symbol Set a tolerance symbol. Symbol is displayed after the dimension value.

    • Limits Set the tolerance limits. Limits are displayed after the dimension value and symbol.

    • If you want a minus sign (-) to be displayed, it must be included in the limit value.


Set the dimension layer. If no dimension layer is defined, dimension objects will be drawn on the current layer. The program will create the layer automatically when you first draw a dimension.

Enter dimension layer name.


Set the color for the dimension lines and arrowheads.

Enter dimension color.


Set the color of the dimension text.

Enter dimension text color.


Set dimension textstyle.

Enter dimension textstyle name.

DIMSETTINGS is mostly used to select the dimension type, as well as setting tolerances and dimension layer. Other settings are usually defined in the dimension style.

Settings defined with the DIMSETTINGS command will be stored in new dimension objects as dimension overrides . Tolerance values, for example, are rarely the same for several dimension objects so its easiest to define them as dimension overrides.

All dimension object components are scaled by the value of the DIMLFAC system variable. If the value is set to 0, the current zoom factor is used.