Customize toolbars

File > Settings > Customize toolbars, CUSTOMIZE

Modify and create new toolbars, buttons and menus.

Manage toolbars

All toolbars of applications are listed on the Toolbars tab. Each toolbar is always a part of a menu group. Toolbars list shows all toolbars of one menu group. Menu group can be selected from the Menu groups list.

You can show and hide toolbars by checking or unchecking them in the Toolbars list. If the selected toolbar is not seen on display it can be centered by pressing Center. All changes made in a menu group can be cleared by pressing button Reset. Resetting changes cannot be undone.

Create toolbars

Do the following:

  1. Select the Toolbars tab and click New.

  2. Enter the name of the new toolbar.
    The name of the toolbar is shown in toolbar caption.

  3. Select menu group where you want to save the toolbar.

  4. Click OK.
    New toolbar will be on display as a very little toolbar (because there are no buttons in it yet).

Note: You cannot add user toolbars to menu group CADMATIC Draw. They will be replaced in the next update. User toolbars should be created to USERMENU group.

You can display toolbar buttons in two sizes, normal and large. All toolbar button sizes can be doubled by selecting Large buttons.

If selected, the program will show a tooltip when the cursor is moved on top of a button. The tooltips are defined in the menu file.

Rename and delete toolbars

Do the following:

  1. Move to Toolbars tab and select a menu group.

  2. Choose the desired toolbar from the Toolbars list.

  3. ClickDeleteif you want to delete the toolbar and Rename if you want to rename it.

Add commands to toolbars

Commands tab lists commands in drop-down menus and they can be added to toolbars.

Do the following:

  1. Select the Commands tab.

  2. Select the desired category from the Categories list.

  3. Browse the Commands list to find the desired command.

  4. Drag the item from the Commands list by holding down the left mouse button.

  5. Drag the button to the desired toolbar, and release the left mouse button to insert the button.

Alternatively, copy commands from other toolbars by dragging the button from toolbar to another.

You can remove commands by dragging: Click the command and hold the mouse key down, drag the command away from any toolbars and release the mouse.

Buttons can be separated from each other with Group bars. Group bar can be added by clicking right button of the mouse and selecting Begin a Group. Group bar is added on the left side of  the button or above the button. Group bar can be removed by leaving it to first or last in the toolbar.

Manage keyboard commands

Customize keyboard commands (function keys and key combinations i.e Ctrl+K).

Note: Applications define various keyboard menu actions. If you modify these the modifications are lost in the next application update.

All key combinations already defined are shown in the Current keys list. When you select one key combination from the list Current command script field shows the function (command script) that is executed when the selected key combination is pressed.

If multiple functions for key combination are defined, the function of the menu that has been loaded last is active. The menus are loaded in this order: CADMATIC Draw, USERMENU, Application menus. The source menu of the key combination is shown in brackets.

Edit key combinations

All shown key combinations can be modified. The function can be entered or selected from the list.

  1. Select a key combination from the Current keys list.

  2. Select a command category from Categories list.

  3. Browse for the desired function in Commands list and select it.

    After selection the function can be seen and modified in the field New command script

  4. Click Update.

The command script can also be entered manually and saved by clicking Update.

Add key definitions

If the desired key combination cannot be found in Current keys list it can be added manually.

  1. Click Add.

  2. Select the menu group where you want to add the key combination from Menu group list. It is recommended to save all user functions in USERMENU menu group.

  3. Activate field Key combination by clicking it. Press the desired key combination (i.e. Ctrl+K).

  4. Click OK to add the key combination.

  5. Modify the command script and clickUpdate(see  Modifying a key combination above).

Delete definitions of a key combination

The definition of a key combination can also be deleted. Key definitions in menu group should not be deleted.

  1. Select the key combination to delete from Current keys list.

  2. Click Delete.

Customize tab

Button properties of the selected button can be modified in Customize tab. The changes made in the properties can be saved by clicking Apply or OK.

Description and Tooltip

Tooltip of a button is shown when mouse cursor is on the button. At the same time the description is shown in status bar.


This defines the command script that is executed when the button is clicked.

It is possible to set the button disabled or selected if certain conditions apply. Disabled defines when the button cannot be used. Selected defines a condition when the button seems to be pressed down. For more information, see Item data.


Button image can be edited in the image editor by clicking Edit.

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