Reference drawings

A reference drawing is a 2D drawing that is imported from an external file, attached to a work view, drawing view or diagram, and then used as a visual aid by placing 3D design objects, 2D diagram symbols, or 2D annotations on top of the drawing. The format of the imported file can be DWG, DWT, DWF, DWFx, DXF, or DGN, and the files should be stored in a shared folder that is accessible to everybody in the project. The reference drawing can be scaled to the correct size and moved to the appropriate location, and there are various options for changing, for example, the weight and the color of the lines, without affecting the original drawing. If the original drawing is edited, the reference drawing can be updated by reloading the drawing file. If the reference drawing is not needed anymore, it can be hidden from the view or completely removed.

See the following topics: