Getting ownership from replica
Normally, a replica that has the ownership of some objects is the one to return (relinquish) the ownership to the master server when the objects are no longer needed. However, the administrators of relative master servers have two means of returning the ownership to their respective sites.
Request ownership from replica
This command tries to contact the replica server and perform normal object relinquish there. If the ownership of the object is on a replica of replica, then the execution is redirected there.
This is safer to do than Take Ownership as changes made on the replica cannot be lost.
To use this command:
Objects must be checked in on the replica server that owns the object.
All the replicas en route to the server that owns the object need to be running and all the replica servers need to have a working Server public address defined in Update Settings.
Administrator's user account must be part of a user profile that has been assigned to the security policy Forcibly cancel checked out status and replica ownership for any object.
For more information on the Request and Relinquish commands, see Ownership.
Take ownership
This command sets the server where the command is executed as the owner of the object, without informing the replica server that used to own the object. When a replica server performs an update with this server, any possible changes the replica had made to those objects after the previous update are lost.
To use this command:
Administrator's user account must be part of a user profile that has been assigned to the security policy Forcibly cancel checked out status and replica ownership for any object.
Note: Take Ownership is disabled for documents.
For more information on this command, see Control Access.