T for component template
This text block describes the geometry of the predefined component (equipment, structure component or standard component) from COS that will be later instantiated. Format of the text block is:
Type of the text block.
Name of the component model in COS.
Tag .k5 to indicate the node records.
Possible node information.
Number of entities.
Description of each entity.
# character to end the text block.
Nodes in component template
Node info for templates precedes the geometric model. It is given in tag format and the first tag needs to be .k5. This tag has a definition I3DD_TAG_BEGIN_NODES in "import_3ddump.h".
Node info is terminated with an empty tag.
Note: because the node information is preceded by .k5 tag, use e.g. the .k6 tag to export the insulation specification name of the entity (in context of insulation the tag .k5 indicated the specification to be used).