Header file for document
The header file (h-file) of a document provides general information about the object that the document represents, such as the drawing's title and number, and the object's total mass and center of gravity. This ASCII file contains data records in the form of tag–value pairs. Each tag and its value string are separated by one or more space characters or tabs, and the value string is terminated by a semicolon that indicates the end of the record.
sys Water;
Typically, this information is used by displaying it in the title block of the drawing or in the header fields of printed lists. The tags can be used in data requests to refer to the associated value string; data requests can be defined in drawing sheets, label definitions, and ICGDs, to output the desired values to the required location in the required format. The tag names can be freely chosen, as long as they do not conflict with reserved tag names.
Header tags of Plant Modeller drawings
- Apr – Approved by.
- CGX – X coordinate of the center of gravity.
- CGY – Y coordinate of the center of gravity.
- CGZ – Z coordinate of the center of gravity.
- Dap – Approval date.
- Ded – Design date.
- Des – Designed by.
- Dno – Drawing number.
- Dra – Drawn by.
- Drd – Drawing date.
- Dsc – Description.
- Ds1 – Description row 1.
- Ds2 – Description row 2.
- TMA – Total mass of the objects in the document set.
- TSH – Total number of drawing sheets, present when there is more than one page.
- .dD – Name.
- .dG – Description.
- .dU – Document name.
- .IA – Object coordinate system.
- .Ip – Wave integration enabled.
- .pN – X min of the document.
- .pO – X max of the document.
- .pP – Y min of the document.
- .pQ – Y max of the document.
- .pR – Z min of the document.
- .pS – Z max of the document.
Header file example
Header file for "Training drawing of Pipeline AA" in the CADMATIC example project:
CGX 0;CGY 0;CGZ 0;
TSH 2;
TMA 0;
Des NMR;
Dra Roshan;
Apr KMS;
Ded 22.01.2010;
Drd 20.12.2009;
Dap 22.01.2010;
Dsc Training Drawing of ;
Ds1 Water Pipeline;
.dU Training drawing of Pipeline AA;
.dD PlantModeller.pm;
.IA 53I1fbnaIwMRpFboBWhyW0;
.dG ;
.pN -12000.0 mm;.pO 74600.0 mm;.pP -5200.0 mm;
.pQ 5200.0 mm;.pR -200.0 mm;.pS 5600.0 mm;;
Header information displayed in the document object browser:
Header information displayed in the title block of the drawing: