Drawing sheet format example
594; 420; 15; 80; 390; 400; 1.0; /* Sheet and Drawing Area Dimensions */
Idn; /* b1, name of the box */
574-41; 10+18;/* b2-b3, left lower coords of the box */
574-22; 10+18+3.5;/* b4-b5, right upper coords of the box */
1;/* b6, number of lines */
0;/* b7, number of lines to be left empty between text lines */
20;/* b8, maximum number of characters on one line */
1; 0; 0; 0; 3; 1;/* b9-b14 udir, frame, frame pen, fill btm, left, edit */
Drawing number;/* b15 prompt when editing */
3.0;;;; 3;/* b16-b20 height, width, spacing, slant, pen id or color */
%s;/* format of text */
idn;-1;;/* r1-r3 target of the request, quantity type, format string */
Spn; 574-23; 10+18; 574-3; 10+18+3.5; 1; 0;20; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; Spoolnumber; 3.0;;;; 3; -%s; spn;-1; ; ;
Dt1; 574-104; 10+18; 574-104+60; 10+18+3.5; 1; 0; 18; 1; 0; 0; 0; 2; 1; System: Drawing title row 1; 3.5;;;; 3; %s; sys;-1;%s; ;
d_iso_title;574; 10; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;/* s1, name of the block */
574; 10;/* s2-s3, local origin 574,10 */
1.0 ;/* s4, u-direction scale=1 */
1.0 ;/* s5, v-direction scale factor=1 */
0.0 ;/* s6, rotation angle=0 */
d_iso_abc123;574; 10; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_iso_sym;139; 370; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_A_TWO;0; 0; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_iso_prefab;574; 380; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_iso_emb;574; 265; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_iso_bendinf;574; 230; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_iso_cut;574-130; 250; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
d_pipe_spools;574-180; 10+14+50-5; 1.0; 1.0; 0.0;
/* Logo; 23; 22; 0.8; 0.8; 0.0; */
; /* End of symbols */
bom; /* t1, extension of the data file associated with prefabrication materials */
390;290; 574; 380; /* t2-t5, left lower corner and right upper corner of table on the sheet */
/* width = 184, height = 90 */
20; /* t6, 20 rows -> height of the row is 90/20=4.5 */
0; 0;/* t7-t8, fill all the rows, skip none */
1; /* t9, direction of the table is u-axis */
2; /* t10, frame is plotted around existing rows */
2; /* t11, pen id */
1;/* t12, table starts from the top */
0;/* t13, text is not allowed to continue to the next row */
co1; /* c1, column for partnumber*/
0; 10; /* c2-c3 column position relative to the table origin */
0; 3;2; 0; ; /* c4-c7 no sub-rows, max char, right just, no query, prompt*/
2.0 mm; ;;;2; /* c8-c13 text hght, wdth, spcng, slnt and pen number*/
%s; /* c14 format string */
ptn; -1; ; /* r1-r3 data request for the partnumber*/
; /* End of data requests*/
co2; /* column for pieces */
10; 20; 0; 3; 2; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s; qty; -1; ; ; /* End of data requests*/
co3; /* description*/
20 mm; 100 mm; 0; 40; 1; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s; DE; -1; ; ; /* End of data requests*/
co4; /*column for dimensional description*/
100 mm; 133. mm; 0; 15; 1; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s; DD; -1; ; ; /* End of data requests*/
ere; /* extension of the data file associated with table embedded parts*/
390;200; 574; 290; /* Location of table on the sheet */
20; 0; 0; /* 20 rows, fill all the rows, skip none*/
1; 2; 2; 1; 0; /* udir, frm, frm pen, fill btm,no continue*/
ce1; /* column for part number */
0; 10; 0; 5; 2; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s; ptn; -1; ;
;/* End of data requests*/
ce2; /* column for pieces */
10; 20; 0; 3; 2; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s; qty; -1; ;
;/* End of data requests*/
ce3; /* column for description */
20 mm; 100 mm; 0; 40; 1; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s %s ;
DE; -1; ; /* request for description */
fii; 3;20%.0f; /* request for angle */
;/* End of data requests*/
cut; /* Extension of the data file associated with this table (cut list)*/
574-184;80; 574-130; 230; /* Location of table on the sheet */
30; 0; 0; /* 18 rows, fill all the rows, skip none*/
1; 2; 2; 1; 0; /* udir, frm, frm pen, fill btm, no continue*/
cu1; /* column for cutnumber*/
0; 10; /* column position */
0; 3;2; 1; ; /* no sub-rows, max char, right just, no query, prompt*/
2.0 mm; ;;;2; /* text hght, wdth, spcng, slnt and pen number*/
%s; /* format string */
cut; -1; ; /* data request for the cutnumber*/
; /* End of data requests*/
cu2; /* column for partnumber */
10; 22; 0; 3;2; 1; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s; ptn; -1; ;
;/* End of data requests*/
cu3;/* column for length */
22; 38; 0; 7; 3; 0; ; 2.0 mm; ;;;2; %s;
len; 3;20%.0f; /* length in mm, rounded upwards, none decimal */
;/* End of data requests*/