Support Designer assigns attributes to the relevant Groups: location plan groups, support groups, and primary and secondary support groups.
Support Designer kernel attributes
Most of these attributes store information about the limits and the view orientation of the location plan.
Ldn | Loc Plan Doc Name | String | The public name of the location plan document. |
Lvx | LocPlanVupX | Float | Location plan view: the view-up vector X. |
Lvy | LocPlanVupY | Float | Location plan view: the view-up vector Y. |
Lvz | LocPlanVupZ | Float | Location plan view: the view-up vector Z. |
Ldx | LocPlanDirX | Float | Location plan view: the view direction vector X. |
Ldy | LocPlanDirY | Float | Location plan view: the view direction vector Y. |
Ldz | LocPlanDirZ | Float | Location plan view: the view direction vector Z. |
Lu1 | LocPlanUMin | Float | Location plan view: the view u-minimum. |
Lv1 | LocPlanVMin | Float | Location plan view: the view v-minimum. |
Lu2 | LocPlanUMax | Float | Location plan view: the view u-maximum. |
Lv2 | LocPlanVMax | Float | Location plan view: the view v-maximum |
Ldt | LocPlanDepth | Float | Location plan view: the view depth. |
Lx | LocPlanX | Float | Location plan view: the view point X-coordinate. |
Ly | LocPlanY | Float | Location plan view: the view point Y-coordinate. |
Lz | LocPlanZ | Float | Location plan view: the view point Z-coordinate. |
Sdn | Support Doc Name | String | The public name of the support. |
Scl | Support Class | Float | The class of the support: STANDARD or CUSTOM. |
Sfm | Support Fastening Material | String | String that stores a list of materials that are associated with the support but are not modeled. |
Build script attributes
These attributes are used by the build scripts.
SDD | Std Support Dim Descr | Float | Dimensional description of the secondary support. |
Sev | Support Elevation | Float | Elevation of the horizontal main beam. |
Sdc | Support Descr | String | Description of the support. |
Typically, these attributes store information that is specific to each support construction. For example, the height level of the main horizontal beam of a secondary support is automatically assigned as an attribute by the build script. Also, when a build script is run to make a standard support, the drawing number of this standard support is assigned to the support, to be used in the generation of the list of standard supports later.
The default setup should be adequate in many cases, but user organizations may need to add new attributes to the build scripts.
Configuration script attributes
One of the tasks of the Support Designer configuration script is to open the attribute editor when a new object is created or attributes are edited. These attributes are selected and assigned by the user in the normal way, using the standard attribute editor tool.
The example configuration uses one fixed attribute, "Loc Plan Square" ("Lsq"), in location plan position ID generation. This attribute addresses the logistic 3D space of the location plan and the scope of its supports in the 3D model.