Managing revisions

A published document revision is uniquely identified via the combination of document ID and revision ID.

Typically, the initial release is published without a revision identifier. When opening an already released document for editing, the program suggests a new revision to be created, and the designer is prompted to provide information about the new revision, using the fields which administrator has defined as described in Document revising and publishing. For example:

  • Number of the new revision

  • Date of the new revision

  • Designer's name

  • Description of the changes

The revision numbers are selected from a limited set of revision markers. The allowed range of revision markers varies between organizations; often they are single characters: A, B, C, …

The current revision number is in most cases wanted to be printed to the title box section of the drawing sheet, and the revision information is printed to a separate table on the sheet. Often the revision information table only shows the most recent revisions.

Note: To display the revision information in the document, the drawing sheet must contain a revision table.

After the new revision information has been defined, the designer publishes the document, and a new publication object is created with the new document + revision identity.

Plant Modeller documents

On the Plant Modeller document editor's Home tab, in the Drawing group, Edit Data > Edit revision table opens the Manage Revisions tool where you can add and edit revision information for the pages of the open document. The revision number field lists the available revision markers.

When starting to edit a document whose current revision has already been published, the program automatically suggests a new revision to be created.

Duct spool documents

The revisions of duct spool documents are managed as single-page documents. When creating a new revision, the revision information of the front page of the main document is used as the default revision information for the spool document.

When starting to edit a document whose current revision has already been published, the program automatically suggests a new revision to be created.

Piping Isometrics & Spools

The revisions of Piping Isometrics & Spools documents are managed automatically.

When starting to edit a document whose current revision has already been published, the program automatically suggests a new revision to be created.