Hole manager statuses in Hull integration

Hole statuses in CADMATIC Outfitting

Status in CADMATIC Outfitting

Operation in CADMATIC Outfitting

Operation in CADMATIC Hull

Hole in steel model


Hole has been created.

Hole is not visible in because it has not been sent to CADMATIC Hull yet.

Hole is not in the steel model.


Outfitting designer is editing a hole that has once been requested to the steel model.

Previously approved hole is visible in CADMATIC Hull.

Previous hole is in the steel model.


This folder is always empty. User has deleted the new hole request.

Hole request was deleted before sending it to CADMATIC Hull.

Hole is not in the steel model.


New hole has been send to CADMATIC Hull. Status is very short; when Hull Agent has added the hole to the steel model, the status changes to NewAccepted.

Hull agent creates the hole and sends it back to CADMATIC Outfitting.

Hole will be visible in the steel model after Hull Agent is finished.


Modified hole has been sent to CADMATIC Hull. Status is very short; when Hull Agent has modified the hole to the steel model, the status changes to ChangeAccepted.

Hull agent modifies the hole and sends it back to CADMATIC Outfitting.

Previous hole is still visible in the steel model until Hull Agent is finished.


Outfitting designer has sent a hole request to delete a hole from the steel model. Status is very short; when Hull Agent has deleted the hole, the row is no longer visible in Hole Manager.

Hull agent deletes the hole and sends information back to CADMATIC Outfitting.

Hole will be deleted from the steel model after Hull Agent is finished.


Hole has been sent back to CADMATIC Outfitting from Hull Agent.


Hole is visible in the steel model for the first time.


Hole has been sent back to CADMATIC Outfitting from Hull Agent.


Modified hole is visible in the steel model.


Status is not in use in CADMATIC Hull integration.



Hole status in CADMATIC Hull

Hole status in CADMATIC Hull will be additional information attribute in CADMATIC Outfitting. Attribute value can be As cutting hole, As marked hole, or As indication.

Another attribute can be given from the CADMATIC Hull designer to approve or not approve the hole. Notice that this does not affect the status of the hole in CADMATIC Outfitting.

The hull designer can lock the hole so that it can no longer be edited in CADMATIC Outfitting. This does not affect the status of the hole in CADMATIC Outfitting, the hole just cannot be checked out in Outfitting.

All these attributes can be queried with the Hole Manager in CADMATIC Outfitting side—see Querying holes. Attributes can also be showed in listings—see Hole List.