Reference plane names reserved for CADMATIC Hull
CADMATIC Hull has its own name spaces that it uses for coordinate references. Hull is allowed to write into the "Coordinate references" configuration objects of Plant Modeller and Piping Isometrics & Spools, so when CADMATIC Outfitting updates its data from Hull the update overwrites existing values in reference planes whose name is reserved for Hull. Therefore, Outfitting administrator should never use the reserved names when naming a reference plane.
The reference plane names reserved for CADMATIC Hull are:
- X reference plane with the name "FR<number>", such as "FR1".
- Y reference plane with the name "CL".
- Z reference plane with the name "BASE".
Below is sample data of what Hull writes into the coordinate references object. Yellow highlight indicates plane names reserved for Hull.
/* The frames */
/* ymin ymax zmin zmax x name */
-7921; 7921; 6047; 70000; 600.0; FR1;
-7931; 7931; 5865; 70000; 1200.0; FR2;
-7935; 7935; 5694; 70000; 1800.0; FR3;
/* The construction at breadth position */
/ *xmin xmax zmin zmax y name*/
-4400.00; 38150.00; -5000.08; 19000.00; 0; CL;
/* The construction at height position */
/* xmin xmax ymin ymax z1 z2 z3 name*/
-4400.00; 38150.00; -12935.39; 12935.39; 0; 0; 0; BASE;