Dimensions & Coordinates

In the Dimensions & Coordinates Settings dialog, you can define the following settings.


  • Centric stub-in branches dimensioned from main run – Select whether to dimension this type of branches from the centerline or from the surface (silhouette edge) of the main pipe.

    Eccentric stub-in branches are always dimensioned from the surface of the pipe.

    Note: Drawings display "(SOP)" after a branch dimension value that is measured from the surface of the pipe.

  • Text height – Specify the height of the text in dimensions (including triangle dimensions).

  • Conversion code – Select the conversion code to use for defining the precision and the unit of the dimensions. The conversion codes are described in Format strings.

  • Dimension text – Select where the dimension text should be placed in relation to the dimension line:

    • Above – The dimension text is placed above the dimension line.
    • Centered – The dimension text is placed over the dimension line.

    If there is not enough space in the designated location, a leader line is automatically inserted and the dimension text is moved to the end of the leader line.


  • Allow coordinates from sloped Z-plane – Select this setting if you have defined a coordinate system with a slanted Z-plane and want to allow coordinates to use it as a reference plane.

  • Allow negative coordinate values – Select this setting if coordinates should use the nearest plane (up or down) as a reference plane. If cleared, coordinates use a plane that provides positive values.

  • Text height – Specify the height of the text in coordinate values.

  • Coordinate label macro – Coordinate texts are generated by a script which is editable. The default coordinate label macro is "COORD_LABEL". If you want to use some other macro stored in the project script library, enter its name in this field.

  • Coordinate references – Select which coordinate references configuration to use for isometric drawings created on the Piping Isometric tab or for pipe spool drawings created on the Pipe Spools tab of Plant Modeller.

    • Plant Modeller – Select this to use File > Environment > All Library and Project > [project] > Configuration > Plant Modeller > Coordinate references.

    • Isometric – Select this to use File > Environment > All Library and Project > [project] > Configuration > Isometric Drawings > Coordinate references.