Isometric groups
Piping Isometrics & Spools does not directly access the 3D model objects, but the piping geometry that is defined in an isometric group is published in an isometric drawing. This generation of isometric groups is done via the Piping Isometrics command in Plant Modeller. After the generation, Piping Isometrics & Spools can automatically annotate a set of isometric drawings with spools and even plot with one command.
An isometric group is a Plant Modeller group of objects which links piping objects (pipes, elbows, valves etc.) either directly to the isometric group or indirectly via a Plant Modeller pipeline group. The name of the isometric group must be unique, and often it can be the same as the document name.
Note: You cannot use the same name for an isometric group and a pipeline, because isometric and pipeline group names use the same name space. Usually an isometric group name is "i" + pipeline name, such as "iAA_Water-01".
Spool drawings are placed inside an isometric drawing. The division of spools is made by a special attribute of the piping objects. This attribute is the spool ID ("SpoolName" /"spn", max 20 characters). Usually the naming of spools is according to the "isometric drawing name generator".
The figure below shows the two possible ways of linking an isometric group to piping objects: