3D-Import Manager link files

3D-Import Manager stores its data in the project-specific directory .../site/pm/3D-Import. This folder can contain for example the following file types:

  • 3il files that link 3D data files to Plant Modeller.
  • 3ia files that contain attributes scanned from the data files.
  • 3iia files that contain scanned attributes that according to user can be ignored.
  • 3ie files that contain object extents scanned from the data files.
  • 3ih files that describe the history of performed imports. These are named using the pattern run-date-month-year-hours.minutes.seconds.3ih, for example run-29-01-18- The system deletes history files that are older than one week.

Initially the 3D-Import folder is empty. When the user attaches a data file to the import manager, the system creates a link file that has the same name as the data file but the extension is *.3il. At this point the file only contains the path to the data file and the username of the user who attached the data file. More files will be added to the folder, and more information added to the link file, when the user runs the prescan command, defines import settings in the 3D-Import Options dialog (see 3D-import options), and imports the data file.

After the user has defined the settings required for importing a specific file, the link file can contain fields such as:

  • pth – The path to the data file.
  • atb – The username of the user who attached the data file.
  • ext – The extents of the group of objects in the data file (if the information is available).
  • dsi – The value of "Id number of default system" defined in import options. Objects are mapped to this system if no other mapping is defined.
  • mxe – The value of "Max number of edges in one 3Dobject" defined in import options.
  • kob – The state of "Identify using id numbers specified in datafile" defined in import options. The value is "1" if the setting is enabled and objects are identified by their ID, and "0" if the function is disabled.
  • msa – The value of "Max angle between smooth faces" defined in JT import options.
  • JT1 – The state of "JT Geometry" defined in JT import options.
  • 3** – Fields that start with "3" relate to the "Settings for importing geometry as 3DSpaces" section of import options.
  • sid – Imported system IDs. simPlant Modeller system ID to which the imported IDs are to be mapped. If the value of sid is not applicable, then the default system ID is used.
  • ams – Imported attribute. amdPlant Modeller attribute to which the imported attribute is mapped.

Sample link file: