Importing with 3D-Import Manager

Perform the following in Plant Modeller to import 3D data from one or more data files as structural components, equipment, or 3D spaces. After importing objects once, you can import them again if the source file is modified or if you want to re-import the same data with different settings.


  • Model area is large enough for the objects you intend to import. If you import objects that do not fit inside the model area, you can allow the program to cut off everything that is outside the area limits or you can delete the import, close the import manager, enlarge the model area, and import the objects again.

Do the following:

  1. Select Model > Imports. 3D-Import Manager opens.

  2. If you want to review the incoming objects before adding them to the model, make sure that the option Show changes of imports before updating area model is selected. For more information, see Settings in 3D-Import Manager.

  3. Attach the data files to be imported. Click Attach, select the files with the file browser, and then click Open.

  4. You can prescan the files you attached to retrieve object attributes and object extents (if available in the data files). Select the files from the list pane, and then click Prescan.

  5. You must define import settings, either separately for each file or by copying settings between files of the same format. Select one or more files from the list pane as appropriate, and then click either Create to create new options or Assign to select predefined options from the COS server.

    If you did not perform prescanning in the previous step, you are prompted whether to allow it to be done now. (If you select No, you will still be able to map attributes in the options by typing the attribute names when prompted to do so.)

  6. In the 3D-Import Options dialog, specify the import options described in 3D-import options, and then click OK.

    (If you had selected multiple files, another options dialog opens for defining the settings for the next file in the sequence.)

  7. Make sure the files you want to import are selected in the list pane of 3D-Import Manager, and then click Import.

  8. If you chose to show changes before updating the area model and the file format supports partial import, a dialog opens displaying the number of new, changed, deleted, and unchanged objects.

    • You can click Browse views to browse work views before proceeding.
    • You can perform a complete or partial import by selecting which changes to include. If you are re-importing the same data with different settings, you must select the Unchanged Models option to apply the new settings to existing objects.
    • When there are changed, deleted, or unchanged objects, you can click the relevant button to highlight the associated objects in work views.

    Click Import to continue with the import.

  9. If there are previously imported objects to be deleted because they are no longer present in the import file, you are prompted to confirm the action.

  10. When the import is completed, review the information in the Issues column. If the import has objects that are partly or completely outside the area limits, relocate the import so that it fits inside the limits or delete the import if it is too large.

  11. You can now save the import or close the import manager if you want to save the import later. If there still are objects that are not completely inside the area limits, the program prompts you to select whether you want to allow the program to trim the import. For more information, see About trimming of imported model objects.

Related Topics

Managed Imports tab (scheduled file import)