Project Follow Up

The Project Follow Up tool generates a report of project metrics that provide project stakeholders a view to how design work in the 3D model is progressing.

The follow-up report is a Microsoft Excel file that contains charts and data tables on the following tabs:

  • Pipe Meters – Shows how the length of different types of pipes has evolved during the project (in meters).
  • Mass of Piping & Stdcs – Shows how the mass of piping and standard components has evolved during the project (in kilograms).
  • Nr of Armatures – Shows how the number of armatures, instruments, and valves has evolved during the project.
  • Nr of Equipment – Shows how the number of pieces of equipment has evolved during the project.
  • Nr of Pipelines & Isos – Shows how the number of pipelines (already routed pipes that have mass in the model) and the number of generated isometric groups has evolved during the project.
  • Elbows – Shows how the number of different types of elbows has evolved during the project.
  • Data – Summarizes data from the charts on the other tabs in table format.
  • Estimate – Allows entering estimated targets for design work, typically based on experience from previously completed similar projects. If defined, the charts on the other tabs display the estimates so that they can be compared to actually completed work.

The files that the tool generates are stored in the project data folder in <project>.pms\Site\pm\FollowUp. You can open a previously generated report directly from this folder.


  • "Project Follow Up Tool" option was selected when installing Plant Modeller.
  • The computer has a suitable version of Microsoft Excel installed.
  • In Microsoft Excel, in Excel Options > Trust Center > Macro Settings, the option "Trust access to the VBA project object model" is selected.

Do the following:

  1. In the Publish group of the Model tab, click Project Follow Up. The report is generated and Microsoft Excel opens.

  2. You are prompted whether to generate an HTML report. Click Yes if you want to view the data in a web browser; otherwise click No.

  3. To estimate project targets, define the dates and values on the Estimate tab.

  4. Save and close the Excel file.