Area selection

Define an area selection by selecting two corner points of the area. When you select the first point, the crosshair changes into a rectangular selection box. You can change the size of the box by moving the mouse.

When you define an area selection, the order in which you select the corners affects the selection in the following way:

  • If you select the lower corner before the upper corner, the program shows the selection box with a continuous line and selects all objects that are entirely inside the area.

  • If you select the upper corner before the lower corner, the program shows the selection box with a dashed line and selecs all objects that are partially or entirely inside the area.

The selection box is visible whenever you click an area in the drawing that has no objects.

Remove the selection of an object

If you accidentally select an object that you did not want to select, remove them from the selection by selecting them again.

Note: If you have selected the AutoCAD selection style, remove the selection of an object by pressing Ctrl and selecting the object.

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