Chamfer corners
Home tab > Modify group > Fillet menu > Chamfer, CHAMFER
Chamfer the corner of two lines or the corners of a polyline.
Do the following:
If you want to change the size of the chamfer, do the following:
On the command line, enter Distance.
Enter the distance of the start point of the chamfer on the first line.
Enter the distance of the start point of the chamfer on the second line.
If you want to change the trimming of the chamfer, do the following:
Enter Trim.
If you want to connect the chamfer to the lines, enter Yes.
If you want to keep the original corner visible, enter No.
If you want to chamfer all the corners of a polyline, do the following:
Enter Polyline.
Select the polyline whose corners you want to chamfer.
If you want to chamfer the corners between two lines, do the following:
Select the first line that you want to chamfer. If the lines cross each other, select the object on the side that you want to keep.
Select the other line. If the lines cross each other, select the object on the side that you want to keep.
The program extends the lines if necessary and connects them with a chamfer according to your definitions.
Remove a chamfer
Do the following:
Select Edit > Erase.
Select the chamfer line that you want to remove that connects the objects.
If you want to, you can extend the lines by stretching them or selecting Edit > Join > Join corner and selecting the objects.
If you want to remove one or more chamfers from a polyline, enter 0 as the distances and chamfer the corners of the polyline again according to the instructions above.