Save customer drawings

Electrical tab > Other functions group > Save customer drawings
  Single-line tab > Frames and sheets group > Handle sheets menu > Save customer drawings
  Distribution Board tab > Frames and sheets group > Handle sheets menu > Save customer drawings
  Schematics tab > Frames and sheets group > Handle sheets menu > Save customer drawings
  Cabinet Layout tab > Frames and sheets group > Handle sheets menu > Save customer drawings

With this function, you can save the sheets as separate files (if the sheets are transferred as separate files, for example). You can save several drawings at a time.

Do the following:

  1. Define the format.

    1. If you only want to save the open drawing, select Only this drawing, name. Edit the drawing name, if you want.

    2. Select the formats, PDF and DWG, for example.

    3. Select to save the sheets to separate drawing files or one file: 

      • If you want to save the sheets to separate drawing files, select Save sheets to separate drawing files. For example, if you selected PDF and DWG as the formats and you select this, sheets are saved to separate drawing files but in the PDF the sheets are on their own pages.

      • If you want to save the sheets to one drawing file, select Create an array of sheets.

        For example, if you selected PDF and DWG as the formats and you select this, one PDF file and one DRW file will be saved. If the source and target file names are identical, saving is not done.

        If you want to add the sheet number range to the drawing file name, also select Add sheet number range to file name.

  2. Define where to save the files. With Other, you can freely define the directory.

    If you want to save customer drawings to the same sub-directories as in the document tree, select Save in the directory corresponding to the project tree.

    For example, if the drawings are in the Schema directory in the document tree and you select to save to the drawing directory, the customer drawings will then be saved to [drawing directory\Schema.

  3. In the Modifications when saving section, define the settings:

    • LanguageTexts / attribute values with a translation defined in the dictionary can be translated when saving drawings. The translations can be collected with the Translation request table function. The same function can be used to import the translations back to the dictionary.

    • Change drawing frames – The drawing frames/labels can be changed when saving drawings.

    • Change the visibility of customer IDs – If alternative customer IDs have been defined in Electrical DB, you can change them when saving drawings.

    • Move all elements to layer 0 –  If you select this, all elements are moved to layer 0 when the file is saved. Otherwise the elements stay on the SLEHTI layers.

    • Explode symbols and application's custom objects – All symbols and application's custom objects are exploded when saving drawings.

  4. Click OK. The program saves the files according to your definitions.