ID system

The schema applications use an ID system based on the IEC standard. All drawing elements have a "full ID" which is used to identify the devices. The full ID consists of object ID (circuit ID), electrical position (distribution board ID), and device ID.

=[Object ID]+[Electrical Position]-[Device ID], e.g. =4333+MCC1-K1:

  • The prefix of the Object ID is "=" sign.

  • Electrical position indicates the position of the component. The prefix of the electrical position is "+" sign.

  • The prefix of the Device ID (i.e. component ID) is a hyphen.

The IDs will be placed either in Object ID or Electrical position field in the drawing frame.

Prefix is not necessary in object ID and electrical position fields in the drawing frame.

Devices of different schemas/distribution boards can be presented in a single drawing file. These are separated from each other with the object ID/electrical position according to the principles described above. The ID system will be used when, e.g., creating cross references and database functions.

When the electric position has been presented in the drawing frame, all devices in this sheet have the same position. If there are devices on the sheet, which have different position (e.g. distribution board), their ID must contain the electric position (e.g., +P1-S1). Another alternative is to draw a location boundary around the device and assign a electric position (P1) to the boundary.

In schemas, long IDs can be divided to separate lines (max. 3 lines). The division will be made when positioning a symbol in the drawing and when certain setting is activated (see Schematics settings). This requires that in addition to the ID attribute, the symbol has attributes E_OBJECTID and E_ELPOSID. The division will be performed according to the following standard punctuation: '=', '+', and '-'. E.g. ID =TARG+POS-C1 will be divided as follows:




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