3DDX export settings
In the 3DDX Export Settings dialog, you can specify settings for exporting 3D model objects in the 3DDX format.
- 3D Publishing Control – Specifies the 3D publishing control to use. Click Select to choose the publishing control.
- Model Query – Specifies the model query to use for selecting the objects to export. Click Select to choose the query.
Geometry generation
- Dump Nodes – If selected, information about connection points is included in export.
- Export insulation – If selected, insulation is exported as objects.
- Abort export on error – If selected, problematic object geometry causes export to stop and no output file is generated. If using a Plant Modeller Service Instance for export, a log file by the name <export_filename>.failed_objects.txt is written into the output directory.
- Close Face Sets – If selected, primitives exported as face sets have closed ends.
- Export Service Spaces – If selected, service spaces linked to model objects are exported even if the model query does not select the service spaces.
Exporting computed attributes
Model objects based on a GDL may have Computed attributes defined in the Component Modeller. Computed attributes are not included in CADMATIC 3DDX exports by default, but you can configure them to be included.
Do the following:
Open the Manage COS Servers tool.
On the Attributes tab, create a COS attribute whose tag matches the computed attribute's name.
On the Object Types tab, assign the new COS attribute to the "Model Object" object type. (This does not affect the export, but enables managing the attribute and its value in Plant Modeller.)
On the Object Types tab, assign the new COS attribute to one of these object types:
GDL for Equipment
GDL for Standard Part
GDL for Structural Part
Parametric Model
Open the CADMATIC 3DD/3DC export settings and add the tag of the new COS attribute to the 3DD Tags list.