Creating catalog parts by import from Excel

The Import from Excel tool allows administrator to create a new Catalog Part and define its Dimension Table by importing the dimension data from a Microsoft Excel file. This is useful for example when there are many different sizes of the part, and instead of adding each size manually you can simply import all dimension variations from a data sheet. The preview function allows you to evaluate the data before adding it to the library or the project.


  • Excel file with data that can be used to define the Dimension Table and Part Sizes of a Catalog Part. The cells to be used as header cells (attribute names) must not contain spaces or special characters, words that are reserved for the GDL, or duplicate values. The data to import must be in consecutive columns/rows.
  • An existing Catalog Part to be used as a template. The template part should have dimension attributes for the imported dimension data. If the template part contains alternate dimensions, also their values must be present in the Excel file.

Do the following:

  1. In the Project Environment dialog, browse to [library or project] > Components > Catalog Parts > Catalog Parts.

  2. There are two ways to start creating the new part:

    • Select New > Catalog Part. You will select later which Catalog Part's Dimension Table to use as a template for the new part.
    • Right-click an existing Catalog Part and select Edit. The specified part's Dimension Table will be used as a template for the new part.

    The Corporate Catalog Edit dialog opens.

  3. Click Import from Excel. The Import from Excel tool opens displaying two tabs: Dimension Table Mapping and Catalog Part Mapping.

  4. On the Dimension Table Mapping tab, you can import the part's dimensions from the Excel file and map imported dimensions to Dimension Table attributes.

  5. On the Catalog Part Mapping tab, you can define the Catalog Part to be created and map imported attributes to part size attributes.

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Catalog part editor