ParamFormUI utilities
These functions of ParamFormUI are relevant for defining the properties of parameters in scripts that build structural units.
FrmNumericParameterDefine( string dty, params, string abr, string dsc, min, max, int np )
Define a numeric parameter. Integer and float data types supported.
dty |
Data type |
params |
Array of parameters |
abr |
Abbreviation, max 3 character tag |
dsc |
Description |
min/max |
Value range |
np |
A row index to the parameter property definition table |
FrmQuantityParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, float f_min, float f_max, int quantity_id, int np )
Define a quantity type parameter.
f_min/f_max |
Value range |
quantity_id |
The ID of the quantity |
FrmStructuralParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, int opt, int np )
Define a parameter whose value is a structural GDL. It is mandatory to assign the COS attribute 'Description' to it.
opt |
TRUE – Value is optional (empty is accepted) FALSE – Value is mandatory |
FrmPartIdParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, string corp_kw_query, int opt, int np )
Define a parameter whose value is a valid Datamatic PartId (PID).
corp_kw_query |
A query string the part is searched with from the part catalog |
FrmPartCodeParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, string corp_kw_query, int opt, int np )
Define a parameter whose value is a valid Datamatic Part Code.
FrmEmbeddedMaterialParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, string corp_kw_query, int opt, int np )
Define a parameter whose value is "embedded material". This is a combination of a PartId (PID) and the associated quantity (pieces). Typically used for example for bolts, nuts, and washers (not modeled as separate 3D objects) for BOMs.
FrmEmbeddedMaterialValueUnpack( string value, string pid, int pieces )
Unpack the PID string and the (pieces) integer value from the value packed by FrmEmbeddedMaterialParameterDefine.
pid |
The Datamatic PartId (PID) |
pieces |
Quantity |
FrmBeamParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, int opt, int np )
FrmPipelineSpecParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, int opt, int np )
Define a parameter which combines a pipeline with its specification.
FrmPipelineSpecValueUnpack( string value, string pipeline_oid, string pipeline_id, int spec_ordinal )
Unpack pipeline and specification data from the value packed by FrmPipelineSpecParameterDefine.
value |
The packed value of pipeline + specification |
pipeline_oid |
The COS object id of the pipeline object |
pipeline_id |
Id of the pipeline |
spec_ordinal |
The ordinal number of the spec in the pipeline definition (1–3 specs) |
FrmStringParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, int max_length,int opt,int np )
Define a text string type parameter.
max_length |
The maximum length of the string value |
FrmChoiceParameterDefine( string dty, params, string abr, string dsc, int n_choices, handle choices, int np )
Define a choice type parameter.
n_choices |
The number of choice items |
choices |
An A_ALLOC array of choice items |
FrmSystemNameParameterDefine( params, string abr, string dsc, int ssa, int opt, int np )
Define a parameter whose value is the name of a System.
ssa |
Dummy |
FrmParameterPropertySet( param_id, params, string property_name, string property_val )
Assign some property to an already defined and allocated parameter.
param_id |
Index to the array of parameter definitions |
params |
Array of parameter definitions |
property_name |
Abbreviation (tag) of the property |
property_val |
Value of the property |
FrmParameterDefinitionsFree( params )
Free allocated memory.
params |
Allocated array of parameter definitions |
FrmParameterIndexGetViaAbbreviation( int n_params, handle params, string abr )
Return the index of the parameter definition via the abbreviation.
FrmParametersSetDefaults( handle values_trh, int n_params, handle params )
Set the parameter values to default.