Custom revision group arrow

When a designer inserts a revision group arrow for a revision cloud in a drawing or diagram, the 2D symbol for the arrow is hard-coded in the application.

However, the project administrator can replace the default arrow symbol with a custom symbol by creating a new 2D symbol, saving it by the name "text31996", and approving it for the project.

The following example code draws a circle and puts the user-defined revision group arrow text inside the circle.

text31996(STRING data, x, y, len, height, width, spc, lorg, ldir, slant, color, pen)

    textend = GET_TEXT_EXTENTS(data,height,width);
    if (width<height)
        r = width;
    CIRCLE(0, 0, r);
    TEXT(0.0, 0.0, data);

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Insert group arrow in Plant Modeller

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2D Symbols