On the Piping Isometric tab, the Manage button opens the Manage Piping Isometric Drawings dialog where you can manage existing isometric drawings. The documents are arranged according to their isometric group type. The general features of this dialog are described in Document browser.
In the document list, icons indicate status as follows:
– Document is up-to-date and checked in.
– Document is up-to-date and checked out to you.
– Document is broken: it does not contain the latest changes of the 3D model.
– Document is broken and checked out to you.
– Document is linked to Sister Project Management. You cannot edit it in the current project.
You can double-click a document in the list to open it for editing in the Document editor. This automatically checks out the document to you.
Note: You cannot create or update isometric drawings in this dialog. You can use the Create/recreate isometric drawing command of the Isometric Groups pane to create a new document for an isometric group or to recreate a broken document. Recreating an existing document removes all manual editing and deletes the publication (if one exists).