Collision checking for supports

Support Designer can run collisions checks to investigate whether the parts of a support construction collide with each other or with other model objects.

  • The user can start collision checking by clicking Collisions in the Supports dialog.

  • The program runs collision checks automatically when returning from the Support Wizard or the Construct command of a secondary support and the Check collisions option is selected.

The parameters for accuracy and minimum clearance are set up in the configuration object Project Environment > [project] > Configuration > Support Designer > Configuration scripts for Support Designer ("Pm-Support/Configuration") , via the script function GetCollisionTestParameters(float accuracy_limit, float min_clearance) stored in the object.

Checking for collisions in supports

You can run collision checking on supports as described below.

Do the following:

  1. Open the Pipe Supports, Duct Supports, or Cable Way Supports dialog of the relevant location plan as described in Pipe, duct, and cable tray supports, and click Collisions. The Detect Collisions dialog opens.

  2. Select a support from the list and click OK to start the check.

  3. If any kind of collisions were detected, the Collision browser dialog opens for managing the collisions. For general information, see Collision browser.

Automatic collision checks

In the Supports dialog of pipes, air ducts or cable trays, if the Check collisions option is enabled, when the user has launched Support Wizard or the Construct tool of a secondary support and is returning to the Supports dialog, the program automatically checks the created supports for collisions.

First, two object sets are created. All objects in the first set are members in primary or secondary support groups of the selected supports. Collisions are detected between the two sets and the results are processed as described below.

Collisions whose status is "New" are changed to "Ignored" if they match the rules described below. Collisions with other status values are not changed.

Case A: Object 1 and object 2 are members in the same support group

Case B: Object 1 is a member in a support group, object 2 is not a member in the same support group

If after this processing there still are collisions with the status "New", then the Collision browser dialog opens for managing the collisions. For general information, see Collision browser.