Quick access toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar is located above the ribbon by default, and it provides access to commands that you use most frequently. By default it contains the commands Undo, Redo, Save, Object Properties, and Measure, but you can customize it to contain the commands that you want to have there. Of the default commands Undo and Redo cannot be hidden, but Save, Object Properties, and Measure you can show or hide by selecting them from the drop-down menu.

Adding and removing commands

To add a command to Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the command in the ribbon and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

To remove a command from Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the command in Quick Access Toolbar and select Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

If you add your most frequently used commands to Quick Access Toolbar and minimize the ribbon, you have maximized the working area and can work effectively.

Selecting toolbar location

Quick Access Toolbar can be located either above the ribbon (default) or below it.

To change the location of Quick Access Toolbar, select Show Below the Ribbon or Show Above the Ribbon from the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down menu.

Related Topics

Minimizing the ribbon