Project settings

Electrical tab > Projects group > Settings

You can open project information/settings in the Electrical window

  • by clicking the button

  • by right-clicking the file name and selecting Project information/settings

  • by right-clicking the icon or the project name and selecting Project information/settings

In addition, you can open the dialog in the DB tool by selecting Home tab > Project information.

In the settings dialog, there are tabs for information currently in the active project.

Project information – Project information includes basic information about the project, such as project's name, description and target information. This information is updated to drawing frames and labels, for example.

Project settings – Project settings affect the appearance of drawings and ways of marking, and can be a very important part of the project. The settings are grouped so you can only keep visible those groups which in most cases will be changed in various projects.

Cable types
Cable packages
Product data
Additional information
Product models

Default project settings can be modified in order to set project settings correctly right from the start. With the Default settings button, you can edit the project default settings that will be assigned to new projects.

If the project has been integrated to Plant Modeller, the Plant Modeller project information is shown below the project directory at the bottom of the dialog.