Language translation dictionaries

Language translation functions in Electrical use Excel dictionaries. Dictionaries can be edited and added by users. Translation functions can also be used for adding translations to dictionary.

Dictionaries can be edited with Microsoft Excel. You can have multiple dictionaries which are located in CADMATIC menu directory. Dictionary files must have .dict.xls file extension, for example Electrical.dict.xls. Column headers define language, such as Finnish, Swedish, English, ... and worksheet name must be Dictionary. You can define dictionaries to use in project (default) settings, in the Translation dropdown.

To translate text to another language, write foreign language translation to the same row and to corresponding column. You can also leave some of the words in translation without translation by using xxxN -replacement marks. This is handy when text includes for example number or device id that you don't want to translate. Replace word you wish to preserve with xxx tag appended with order number, xxx0, xxx1, xxx2, ... xxxN.


Text to translate: VALVE GSV1 CONTROL 2

Text added to dictionary: VALVE xxx0 CONTROL xxx1

Text translation in finnish: VENTTIILI xxx0 OHJAUS xxx1

Result of translation: VENTTIILI GSV1 OHJAUS 2

Order number also enables changes in word order. Translation can also be written the other way round, OHJAUS xxx1 VENTTIILI xxx0 which results in translation OHJAUS 2 VENTTIILI GSV1.

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