System related COS attributes
When creating or editing a System as described in Managing systems, the user interface assigns the System's settings as values to the related COS attributes, as described below.
System Name
The System Name setting is stored in the "Object's system name" (sys) COS attribute.
Id Number
The Id Number setting is stored in the "Object's system id number" (sid) COS attribute, and it identifies the System—each System must have a unique ID. Model objects store this number to bind themselves to a specific System.
ID numbers 1–5999 are available for user-defined Systems.
ID numbers 6000–8191 are reserved for Systems defined by Cadmatic.
When creating a new user-defined System, you can allow the ID to be automatically assigned or enter the number to be used. We recommend that you reserve certain ranges for different purposes, so that for example ID numbers 1-9 are for building-related Systems, 10-19 for equipment, 300-400 for piping, and so on. Then you will be able to select Systems by these ID ranges, which is easier than selecting them from the long list of System names; for information on setting the conditions for object selection, see Query test editor.
Some ranges are reserved for software integration, and the Systems that use these ID numbers are automatically created if the related software is installed:
ID numbers 6100–6199 are for NAPA related Systems.
ID numbers 6200–6299 are for Tekla related Systems.
Source Application
The "Source application" (.qL) COS attribute is for internal use and not displayed in the System editor. Its value specifies whether the System is a user-defined System or for an integrated application (Hull, NAPA, Tekla).
Use in Plant Modeller
The Use in Plant Modeller setting is stored in the "Use in Plant Modeller" (.qN) attribute.
One of the first tasks of a project administrator is to decide if the COS schema is expressive enough regarding attributes assigned to the System object. Objects in a System inherit all user-defined attributes from the System to which they belong. The COS schema editor can be used to create and assign new attributes, if necessary. Notice also that not all Systems have to have the same set of attributes assigned to them. This means that from the schema point of view the Systems do not need to be homogenous.
Use in Piping Isometrics
The Use in Piping Isometrics setting is stored in the "Use in Piping Isometrics" (.mg) COS attribute.
Allow Welds
The Allow Welds setting is stored in the "Allow Welds" (.CD) COS attribute.
System Role
The System Role setting is stored in the "System role" (.b0) COS attribute.
Color Index
The Color Index setting is stored in the "Color index" (.pU) COS attribute.
Shading Properties
The Shading Properties setting is stored in the "Surface shading settings" (.pD) COS attribute.
Polygon Stipple
The Polygon Stipple setting is no longer used.
Use in Diagram
The Use in Diagram setting is stored in the "Use in Diagram" (.qM) COS attribute.
Additional Attributes
Additional attributes can be added for Systems. For example, an attribute that is based on a dynamic hierarchy can be useful when selecting a System.
Density of flowing material
This attribute is used to compute the mass properties of the contents of pipes. If the attribute is not given, then the value 1000 kg/m3 (that is, the density of water) is used.
System for hole requests
It is possible to create hole requests to Systems that are not from CADMATIC Hull or NAPA. To be able to do this, add the attribute System for hole requests to the required System and set its value to the name of the user-defined System that the actual hole request will get.
Require Seam Direction
This attribute is used to add a Seam Direction label to spool drawings. Typically, this would be used, for example, in oil pipes where water can accumulate in the lowest part of the pipe and cause corrosion. Properly labeled spool drawings instruct the piping workshop to process these pipes so that the longitudinal seam is on top of the installed pipe.