Bolt, nuts and washers
Bolts, nuts, washers and any other materials that are included in bolt sets have Dimension Tables and Catalog Parts, and the bolt sets must be assigned in the piping specification.
Dimension table
The geometry type is DM_GT_AUXCOMP (3).
Bolts, nuts, and washers do not use a geometric shape or isometric symbol.
Define the following dimension attributes to enable the given item to be included in listings:
- Diameter (for bolts, nuts, and washers)
- Length (for bolts)
- Mass
Catalog part
Bolts, nuts, and washers have a Catalog Part. In the Catalog Part, fill in the description, the material, and the dimension format to use in listings.
Add all the sizes that are needed in any bolt set.
Set the connection face type to "Auxiliary point".
Piping specification
Only the bolt sets are assigned to the piping specification, not the individual materials of each bolt set.