File menu

The File menu of the document editor contains the following commands.

Save Locally

This command saves the open document in your workspace. The document stays open.

Nobody else can see your modifications.

You can still undo your changes with the Cancel Edits command of the Document browser.

Save to COS Database

This command saves the open document in your workspace and updates your modifications to COS. The document stays open.

After this, other designers can see the document and your latest changes in it, and the document will be included in COS backups, but you still have the ownership.

If you are working on an online replica, the document files are replicated to all master sites above your site and the document can be browsed at these sites (on the following day at the latest).

You cannot undo your changes with the Cancel Edits command of the Document browser.

Note: The document object is saved independently from the area model where it is being worked on. If you have routed a pipe that is not stored to COS yet, you can create a drawing that shows the pipe. If you then save the document to COS and somebody else opens it, the pipe does not exist in COS yet and therefore it is not visible in the drawing views. In situations where something like this might happen, Plant Modeller tries to notify the user: for example, when you start to edit a document, Plant Modeller checks whether your changes to the area model are saved to COS, and whether changes made by others have been updated to your area model. If the program finds any need for an update, then you prompted to synchronize the data.


This command closes, saves, and checks in the open document.

The document is saved to COS, the working copy is removed from your workspace, and another user can check out the document and continue working on it.

If you are working on an online replica, the document files are replicated to all master sites above your site and the document can be browsed at these sites (on the following day at the latest).

If there are unsaved changes in the open document, you are prompted to save those changes as well as the change control state of all pages.

Select Save also change control state (all pages) if you want to reset the document's current record of changed and new model objects; the document keeps track of objects that are changed or created from this moment onward. If you do not select this option, the document keeps its current record of changed and new objects and updates the record with objects that are changed or created from this moment onward.

For more information on change control, see Visualization and Changes.

Publish and Check-in

This command closes, saves, checks in, and publishes the open document.

If there are unsaved changes in the open document, you are prompted to save those changes as well as the change control state of all pages.

Select Save also change control state (all pages) if you want to reset the document's current record of changed and new model objects; the document keeps track of objects that are changed or created from this moment onward. If you do not select this option, the document keeps its current record of changed and new objects and updates the record with objects that are changed or created from this moment onward.

For more information on change control, see Visualization and Changes.


You can export the open document or just the active page to the file system.

Document | Document as Multi-page PDF | Active Page | Advanced settings | Using tags in document attributes


You can export the open document. Each page is exported to a separate file.

Do the following:

  1. Select File > Export > Document. The Export 2D Drawing dialog opens.

  2. Define the general export settings:

    • Format – Select the export format.

      Most of the formats also have additional export settings that you can specify:

    • Base Name – The default base name is the name of the document object; you can edit the name if you are exporting a single document. The export files are named using the format <base name>.<page>.<file name extension>.

    • Output Directory – Click Browse to select the output folder.

    • Template Drawing – If exporting DWG or DXF format, you can click Browse to select a DWT or DWG file to be used as a template drawing.

  3. Define the other export options:

    • One-to-one scaling – If selected, select the scale to use from the Main scale field.

    • View exported file – If selected, the exported file opens in the viewer associated with the file type. If also Use built-in viewer for DXF/DWG/DWF files is selected, the exported file opens in CADMATIC Viewer.

    • Organize model objects to blocks – If selected, the export arranges model objects into blocks. If also Organize view geometry to blocks is selected, geometry object blocks are accessible from the top level of the exported file, instead of being stored under the drawing view they belong to.

      Note: Regardless of this setting, export to DWG or DXF places the data tables of the drawing sheet under blocks that are named using the format "PageX_PAGE_SHEET_GROUP_TABLE_Y" where X is the page number and Y is the extension of the table. For example, the revision table (extension: "rev") of the first page of the document can be found at Page1_PAGE_SHEET_GROUP_TABLE_rev. Moreover, anything that is not a symbol or a data table is assumed to be part of the title box and therefore placed under PageX_PAGE_SHEET_GROUP_TITLE.

  4. Click OK.

  5. You are prompted whether to preview each generated file.

Document as Multi-page PDF

You can export the current state of a document as a multi-page PDF. If the document has already been published, the PDF might contain changes that have been done after the document was last published.

The export process is otherwise the same as that described in Active Page, but the file format is limited to PDF and in the advanced settings you can select a DWG or DXF file to be used as the front page of the PDF.

Active Page

You can export the active page of the open document to a file.

Do the following:

  1. Select File > Export > Active Page. The Export 2D Drawing dialog opens.

  2. Define the general export settings:

    • Format – Select the export format.

      Most of the formats also have additional export settings that you can specify:

    • Base Name – The default base name is the name of the document object; you can edit the name if you are exporting a single document. The export files are named using the format <base name>.<page>.<file name extension>.

    • Output Directory – Click Browse to select the output folder.

    • Template Drawing – If exporting DWG or DXF format, you can click Browse to select a DWT or DWG file to be used as a template drawing.

  3. Define the other export options:

    • One-to-one scaling – If selected, select the scale to use from the Main scale field.

    • View exported file – If selected, the exported file opens in the viewer associated with the file type. If also Use built-in viewer for DXF/DWG/DWF files is selected, the exported file opens in CADMATIC Viewer.

    • Organize model objects to blocks – If selected, the export arranges model objects into blocks. If also Organize view geometry to blocks is selected, geometry object blocks are accessible from the top level of the exported file, instead of being stored under the drawing view they belong to.

      Note: Regardless of this setting, export to DWG or DXF places the data tables of the drawing sheet under blocks that are named using the format "PageX_PAGE_SHEET_GROUP_TABLE_Y" where X is the page number and Y is the extension of the table. For example, the revision table (extension: "rev") of the first page of the document can be found at Page1_PAGE_SHEET_GROUP_TABLE_rev. Moreover, anything that is not a symbol or a data table is assumed to be part of the title box and therefore placed under PageX_PAGE_SHEET_GROUP_TITLE.

  4. Click OK.

Advanced settings

In the Export 2D Drawing dialog, the Advanced button opens the advanced settings of the currently selected export format.

Advanced settings for DWG/DXF | Advanced settings for PDF/DWF | Advanced settings for BMP/JPEG/PNG

Advanced settings for DWG/DXF

  • Export colors – Select how to export colors:

    • Use current colors – Export everything using the colors shown on the screen.

    • Black & white – Export everything in black and white.

    • Grayscale – Export everything in grayscale.

    • Custom current colors – Export everything in current colors except items that are defined to be exported in black and white. See Configuring export colors.

    • Custom black & white – Export everything in black & white except items that are defined to be exported in color. See Configuring export colors.

    Note: If the drawing sheet or the drawing views contain objects whose color is white or close to white, they are exported in black color.

  • Exporting pages – Select how to export pages:

    • Export each page to model space in a separate file

    • Export each page to a paper layout in a single file

  • Summary information – Fill in the fields Title, Author, Subject and Keywords. See also Using tags in document attributes.

  • Post-processing – Select post-processing options:

    • Purge unused objects from export – Select this option to remove unused objects (such as unused layers and styles) from the export data.

    • Map exported colors to indexed colors – Select this option to replace each exported RGB color with the closest indexed color. Indexed colors are used in AutoCAD, for example.

Advanced settings for PDF/DWF

  • Size / Orientation / Color – Select the page size, the page orientation (Landscape or Portrait), and how to export colors:

    • Use current colors – Export everything using the colors shown on the screen.

    • Black & white – Export everything in black and white.

    • Grayscale – Export everything in grayscale.

    • Custom current colors – Export everything in current colors except items that are defined to be exported in black and white. See Configuring export colors.

    • Custom black & white – Export everything in black & white except items that are defined to be exported in color. See Configuring export colors.

    Note: If the drawing sheet or the drawing views contain objects whose color is white or close to white, they are exported in black color.

  • Summary information – Fill in the fields Title, Author, Subject and Keywords. See also Using tags in document attributes.

  • PDF specific – Select the options as appropriate.

    • Embed truetype fonts – Select to embed the fonts in the PDF file.

    • Include layers – Select to include the layers in the PDF file.

    • Fit to page – Select to fit oversized documents to the page size.

    • Export text as graphics – Select to export texts as graphics (and not as text).

    • Limit size to 5080x5080mm – Select to set the maximum page size to 5080 x 5080 mm, to make the PDF file comply with ISO 32000.

Advanced settings for BMP/JPEG/PNG

  • Size – Select the page size.

  • Color – Select how to export colors:

    • Use current colors – Export everything using the colors shown on the screen.

    • Black & white – Export everything in black and white.

    Note: If the drawing sheet or the drawing views contain objects whose color is white or close to white, they are exported in black color.

Using tags in document attributes

When exporting a Plant Modeller document in a format that allows specifying values for document attributes, it is possible to use tags within curly brackets in the attribute value fields: "{}". For example, to link document name to the title of the exported DWG or PDF, you can type something like "Document name: {.dU}" in the Title field. If the document name is "My Document", the title of the exported document would be: "Document name: My Document".

You can use the Manage COS tool to check which attribute tags relate to drawings and can therefore be used in document export.


You can print the open document or just the active page, or you can print a wireframe work view.

Output Print and Lists | Print Active Page | Print Hardcopy of a View

Output Print and Lists

You can print all the pages of the open document. Each page is printed to a separate file. If the ICGD of the document defines listings, the command saves them in the location defined in the shared settings: General Drawing.

Do the following:

  1. Select File > Print > Output Print and Lists. The Print Setup dialog opens.

  2. Specify the printing options and click OK. The Plot dialog opens.

  3. Define the plot settings:

    • Name – Enter a name for the document.

    • Plot directory – Define the directory to use for the plotting files.

    • Operator message – Enter a message for the operator.

    • Plotter – You can open the printing options by clicking Configure printer.

    • Plot sheet – This is automatically set based on the paper size selected in the printing options.

    • Plot scale – This is automatically set based on the paper size selected in the printing options.

    • Line width scale – Define how to scale the line widths. Values between 0.5 and 1 make the lines thicker, and values larger than 1 make them thinner.

      For example, when a larger sheet size is scaled to fit on a smaller paper size, thinner lines make the document easier to read.

    • Alignment – Select how to align the document horizontally and vertically.

    • Rotate – Select whether to rotate the document.

    • Split – Select whether to split the document.

    • Plot scheduling – Select whether to plot immediately or later.

  4. Click OK. The Save Print Output As dialog opens.

  5. Select the saving location, enter the file name, and click Save.

Print Active Page

This command opens the Print Setup dialog for printing the active page.

Print Hardcopy of a View

This command allows you to select an open wireframe work view and then opens the Print Setup dialog for printing the selected view.


This command that is only available for Plant Modeller drawings starts the process of creating a new document. See Create New Drawing.


This command that is only available for Plant Modeller drawings opens the Document browser, allowing you to open another document or re-open the current document.

If there are unsaved changes in the open document, you are prompted to save those changes as well as the change control state of all pages.

Select Save also change control state (all pages) if you want to reset the document's current record of changed and new model objects; the document keeps track of objects that are changed or created from this moment onward. If you do not select this option, the document keeps its current record of changed and new objects and updates the record with objects that are changed or created from this moment onward.

For more information on change control, see Visualization and Changes.


This command closes the document editor and re-opens the Document browser.

If there are unsaved changes in the open document, you are prompted to save those changes as well as the change control state of all pages.

Select Save also change control state (all pages) if you want to reset the document's current record of changed and new model objects; the document keeps track of objects that are changed or created from this moment onward. If you do not select this option, the document keeps its current record of changed and new objects and updates the record with objects that are changed or created from this moment onward.

For more information on change control, see Visualization and Changes.