Create PLT and PDF files by printing

Drawings can be printed onto paper but also into PDF or PLT files.

PDF files

PDF (Portable Document Format) is an open file format for electronic distribution of documents developed by Adobe Corporation. You can view and print PDF files with a free Adobe ReaderĀ® program, which can be downloaded from the Adobe web site ( CAD drawing can be printed into a pdf file and then i.e. sent via email to a client. This way the client does not need a CAD program to view the document. PDF documents conforms PDF/A standard.

A PDF file can be imported as a reference drawing.

No PDF printing driver is needed to print drawings into PDF format.

PLT files

Sometimes you need to print a big print to so big paper that your own printer cannot perform. Then you can print the drawing into PLT file that you can sent to some CAD printing provider company who will print it for you. PLT file includes all the printed data in a file. Also all print settings are "saved" in the PLT file (such as scale, paper size, line weights). Note: You must use the right printer driver when you print for CAD printing provider company. It is recommended to ask for the right driver from your print service provider. PLT files can also be sent forward for example via email.

PLT and PDF print paper size

The paper size is selected the same way as if printing to paper. If the print area is smaller than the selected paper size. the PLT driver will automatically remove empty trailers. If it does not work, either the driver is not capable of doing that (Windows driver needs to be updated) or the automatic cutter is switched off in the Windows printer settings. By default, empty trailers are not removed from PDF files. Empty trailers can be removed by selecting Remove empty trailers from PDF-print in the print settings dialog (does not affect when printing sheets or pieces).
Plot preview does not remove empty trailers.

Printing into PDF

PDF files are created by printing normally but setting the target of the print to PDF file. The target file name and folder can be defined when printing. PDF file can be created using the same printer as when printing on paper. No special PDF driver is needed.

When printing to a PDF file, all text elements are added as text using Windows TrueType font. This enables possibility search or select text from PDF-file. Because all CAD fonts (ftf and shx) does not have corresponding TrueType font they must be printed to PDF using some other font. Because of this text appearance and size may be different comparing screen and PDF-file. By default missing font is replaced with Arial but each ftf or shx can be configured separately to use certain font in PDF-file. Using any other font than Arial is used only if there is more suitable TrueType font and end result looks better.
If text appearance and size is wanted to keep intact it is possible to select "Print as graphics" for each ftf and shx separately instead of using Arial or any other True Type font. In this case text will be print to PDF as vectors and therefore text search functionality in PDF-file cannot be used.

Do the following:

  1. Select File > Print.

  2. Define the print settings as usual.

  3. Select Print PDF file and enter the name for the PDF file.

Notice that images, embedded objects and PDF reference drawings cannot be printed properly to PDF document when viewed from diagonal direction.

Layers in PDF print

CAD layers can be included in PDF print which then enables showing or hiding layers in PDF viewer application. How showing or hiding is done, depends on PDF viewer application.

PDF print will include only those layers that are used in printed elements. By default reference drawing layers are treated like normal layers and all reference drawing layers are added separately. By changing setting (Plot external reference to a single PDF layer) each reference drawing will be added to own layer. Rasta application images are each on separate layers.

Adding CAD layers in PDF print is switched off by default. Modify the setting as follows:

  1. Select File > Print > Print settings.

  2. At the bottom of the page, click Advanced print settings.
  3. Select Include layer information.
  4. Click OK.

Printing into PLT file

You must always use the right printer driver when printing for a CAD printing provider company. Therefore, you must install that Windows device driver first. It is recommended to ask for the right driver from your print service provider.

After the right driver is installed, you usually need to define paper sizes for the printer driver. Usually these printers are capable of printing on big papers and the paper can be cut from a roll. A roll printer can usually cut the "waste paper" off so you can define bigger paper sizes than you usually need.

Do the following:

  • Add the printer driver in Windows. If necessary, ask for the right driver from your print service provider. One very often used roll printer driver is HP DesignJet 1055CM (or some other DesignJet model). For more detailed instructions, see the Windows online help.

  • Add the printer. See Adding a Windows printer.

  • If necessary, set paper sizes. If the printer driver does not have proper paper sizes you can add them into the Windows printer. They can be defined as Custom sizes (see Adding long paper size to a printer). These custom sizes are usually created for a roll paper printer so that you can print long prints. For example some constructional designs are printed on 914mm x 2700mm sized paper. This size must usually be added as a custom size.

PLT files are usually created for CAD printing providers and then sent them via email.  Because all print settings are "saved" in the PLT file (such as scale, paper size, line weights) the print on paper should match exactly the preview of the print in CADMATIC.

PLT files cannot be opened in CADMATIC Draw, because they are not CAD files, just printed documents.

  1. Select File > Print.

  2. Define the print settings as usual.

  3. Select Print to file > Print PLT-file and enter the name for the PLT file.

Note: Some of CAD printing providers uses black and white settings where all colors are printed as black. In this case white is also translated as a color which means that white wipeouts and fills are printed as black covering everything else beneath. Problem can be solved if you ask your CAD printing provider to print using grayscale settings (even if you have black and white print)

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