Perform the following to create a new diagram document.
Administrator has defined drawing sheets for diagrams, as described in P&ID Sheets.
Optionally, administrator has defined the recommended attributes for diagrams, as described in Assigning attributes to object types.
Optionally, administrator has enabled synchronization of title box fields and COS document attributes, as described in Synchronizing document attribute and title box values.
Do the following:
Do one of the following:
Select File > New.
Select File > Manage diagrams and then New > Diagram.
The Data Sheet for A New Diagram dialog opens.
Enter the following information.
Name – Enter a name for the diagram. Do not use spaces or special characters in the name.
Type – Select what kind of diagram to create:
P&I – Select this to create a Piping & Instrumentation diagram. These diagrams describe the operations related to chemical engineering or process engineering at a more detailed level than what PFDs do.
Electric – Select this to create a diagram that describes the operations of an electrical system.
PFD – Select this to create a Process Flow Diagram that describes the major equipment and the primary process flows in a chemical engineering or process engineering facility at a fairly high level. A flowsheet might show, for example, how materials or objects are moved from one operative point to another for chemical transformation or physical assembly, and what is the flow direction between two consecutive operations.
Important: Only P&I diagrams publish the topological network of pipelines into the 3D model, which allows piping designers to use diagram-based pipe routing assistance. See P&ID integration in 3D routing.
Note: All diagram types publish EPD objects to COS, which allows P&ID to highlight components that exist in the 3D model. See Compare P&ID objects with 3D model.
Tip: You can change the type later from File > Document > Change Document Type.
Sheet – Select the sheet to use for this diagram. This defines for example the page size and the look of the document title box.
Enter attribute values, click Attributes to add or remove attributes.
Then click OK. The new diagram is created and checked out to you. If the Manage Diagrams dialog is open, close it to start editing the diagram.
Select File > Document > Edit Title Box to define the title box information. The Edit Diagram Title Box Data dialog opens. Users can edit only those fields that administrator has defined as editable. See Edit Title Box.
Edit the diagram as required, and save it:
Select File > Save locally to save the diagram locally.
Select File > Save to COS database to save the diagram in COS.
This checks in the diagram and then checks it out again. If the administrator has configured the PI_CATALOG database table to synchronize the values in title box fields and database columns (COS attributes), the title box values are now updated to the related COS attributes of the diagram.