Object properties

The Object Properties dialog displays detailed information about the selected model object, model group, 3D Space, or attribute. The number of tabs displayed in the dialog depends on the type of the object and the data that is available to the object. These buttons are displayed at the bottom of the dialog:

  • COS Properties – Opens the COS properties of the object; see COS Object Properties for details.

  • Pick Object – Allows you to pick another model object whose properties you want to see.

Tip: You can also use the dockable Properties pane to view object properties.

Opening the Object Properties dialog

The way you access the Object Properties dialog depends on the type of the entity.

Object properties of model objects

To open the Object Properties dialog for a model object, select the Query or Query object command of the tool you are using, pick the required object, and press Enter.

Object properties of groups

To open the Object Properties dialog for a group:

  1. Pick the required model object from a work view, right-click the view and select Get group (G) from the context menu.

  2. In the Select Group dialog, select the required group from the list and click Show Properties.

Object properties of attributes

To open the Object Properties dialog for an attribute:

  1. Pick the required model object from a work view, right-click the view and select Get attribute (A) from the context menu.

  2. In the Select Attribute dialog, click the required attribute.

Object properties of a named entity

To open the Object Properties dialog for an object or group whose name you know:

  1. Right-click a work view and select Search by name (N) from the context menu.

  2. In the Search Object by Name dialog, specify the search pattern and click Match, then select the required object from the search results and click OK.

Tabs in Object Properties

Object Properties displays tabs that are relevant to the type of the selected object.

PM Object Info | Connections | Component Model | Corporate Catalog | Groups | Dimensions | Insulation | Extra Material | eShare Data | Geometry

PM Object Info

The PM Object Info tab shows the following data about the selected object:

  • General Information – Object type, the identification number of the object in this model, the owner's ID and name, the last modification time, and the visibility level.

  • System Information – System name and ID, and all attributes assigned to this particular System.

  • Line Information – Shown for pipelines, cable trays, and duct (HVAC) lines, and includes information such as the name of the pipeline, whether the line can be used in P&ID and Plant Modeller, short code, component class, and functional description.

  • Attributes – Shows information on attributes assigned to the object in Plant Modeller.

  • Diagram Integration Attributes – Shows information on attributes assigned to the object in P&ID.

  • External Integration Attributes – Shows information on attributes assigned to the object in an external system.

  • Reference Information – Information such as part ID, description, dimensional description, material, and standard of the catalog part. For equipment and structural components, this section displays information on the GDL component.

  • Instance Parameters

  • Type Specific Information – Information related to the object type.

  • Spool Check Results

  • Containment Information – Information on the logistic containment of the object.

  • Miscellaneous – Information such as group membership path.


The Connections tab describes the connection points (nodes) of the selected object. The object can be a piping part, standard component, equipment, duct component, or cable tray.

Opening this tab shows connection point labels in the work views, and to make these labels more readable the object is shown in its original color instead of being highlighted. Click Browse if you want to browse the connection points in the model; press Esc to stop browsing.

The Connections tab shows the following data about the nodes of the selected object:

  • Information of Node <number> – Information on the given connection node.

  • Joint Material Of Node <number> – Information on the bolt set used by the connection.

  • Extra Material Of Node <number> – Information on the extra materials of the connection node.

All angles are given in degrees, and rotation angles are measured counter-clockwise from the positive X-axis in horizontal X-Y plane.

Component Model

The Component Model tab shows a detailed report of the component model from which the selected object has been made. The object can be equipment, structural component, standard component, or a 3D space.

Corporate Catalog

Accessing the Corporate Catalog tab opens an object browser window which shows the catalog part size that the selected object refers to. The object can be a piping part, standard component, beam, duct component, or cable tray.


The Groups tab lists the groups where the object is a member, either directly or indirectly. A group can be one of the following:

  • User-defined group. These can be created with Tools > Groups > Create or Add Set.
  • Pipeline. The name of the pipeline is shown.
  • Duct line. The name of the duct line ("HVAC line") is shown.
  • Cable tray. The name of the cable tray line is shown.
  • Group that users cannot define interactively:

    • Spool
    • Isometry
    • Support Location Plan
    • Piping Support
    • Prim and Sec Supports
    • Duct Spool
    • Duct Main Document
    • Penetration
    • Structural Unit
    • Phase in Logistics 3Dspace
    • Pipe Main Document


The Dimensions tab lists the dimension parameters and parameter values of the catalog part that the selected object refers to. The object can be a piping part, standard component, beam, duct component, or cable tray.


The Insulation tab shows information about the insulation of the object. The object can be a piping part, standard component, or duct component.

Extra Material

The Extra Material tab shows information on additional materials such as nuts and bolts that have been assigned to the group of a structural unit. For information on how to assign materials to a group, see Manage.

  • To select a group, pick an object from the model, right-click the work view, and select Get group from the context menu. Then select the appropriate group from the list, and Object Properties opens.

eShare Data

The eShare data tab shows the information that is available for the object in the CADMATIC eShare server that the project is connected to. This information includes the tags that Plant Modeller published to the 3D model and additional fields provided by eShare, such as status tracking values and a list of documents that contain the object.


The Geometry tab shows the following data about the selected object:

  • Geometry – Coordinate information and orientation information.

  • End Normals

  • Weight Information

  • Current coordinate system

  • Object's coordinate system

  • Project coordinate system

COS Object Properties

In the Object Properties dialog, clicking COS Properties opens the COS Object Properties dialog where you can view the COS properties of the selected object. COS properties exist if the object has been saved (updated to COS) at least once.

The dialog has the following tabs.


The General tab displays general information that all object types have, such as the date and time when the object was created, last modified, or checked out, as well as the COS IDs of the object.

You can select the ID string from the fields "Object ID" and "GUID" and then press Ctrl+C to copy the ID to the clipboard.


The Attributes tab displays object type specific attributes such as the XYZ values of the object's bounding box, Equipment Position Id, and Plant Modeller object ID number.

You can press Ctrl+E to export the attributes to a Microsoft Excel file, as described in Export data tables to Microsoft Excel.


The Source tab displays the source data of the object.

The Use UTF-8 encoding option is selected by default to support the displaying of Unicode characters. Clear the option if you want the source to be shown using Multibyte Character Set (MBCS) encoding.